This Is Why You Need Your Wisdom Teeth

The truth is, I am writing this article about the importance of wisdom teeth while all of mine have been extracted. They have been gone for years. I am pretty sure many of yours have been long gone as well. I didn’t know any better. We trust our dentists to do the best job possible while often not even questioning their methods. I should’ve questioned and should’ve researched myself. But now I can share my research and finding with you so you can make the decisions for yourself and not just listen to your dentist just because he tells you so.  Many of us have been told that wisdom teeth need to be extracted just because they are not really needed. According to the dentists, they are just unnecessary teeth that just inconveniently crowd out mouths.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth, also called the Third Molars, are the furthest back teeth. They usually come in when you are in your late teens or early twenties.  According to a report published  in the American Journal of Public Health, more than 67 % of preventative wisdom teeth removals are unnecessary. Out of 10 million wisdom teeth extractions in America each year, only 20 proved to be necessary. You have to understand that the old tale about wisdom teeth causing all kind of illnesses, is simply not true. Let’s look at it realistically, it’s a big money maker (around a billion dollars a year) for the dental industry.

In the 1900s, Dr. Weston A. Price did extensive research on the connection between oral health and diseases. Hediscovered native tribes, with their traditional diets, that were almost 100 percent free of tooth decay. He came to the conclusion that dental and overall health lie in nutrition. Fortunately, this discovery is practiced by holistic dentists nowadays whom understand that when you supply enough nutrients to the jaw bone during its development, all 32 teeth will have proper space in your mouth without crowding. This means that proper nutrition is the key behind trouble free wisdom teeth.

Dr. Weston Price also discovered that once these tribes started consuming sugar and white flour, their perfect healthy teeth, quickly deteriorated.

I highly recommend reading his fascinating and eye-opening  book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration

Why You Need Your Wisdom Teeth

Our teeth are vital, living organs within and connected to the body as a whole. Wisdom teeth are connected (according to acupuncture meridians) to our small intestine and the front of our pituitary gland.  In fact, 46 percent of the motor and sensory nerves in your brain’s cerebral cortex are interconnected to your mouth and face.  So any time a tooth is removed, it disturbs and breaks an acupuncture meridian that flows through the area of that tooth.  The meridianacupuncture system, known in Traditional Chinese Medicine for more than 5000 years, shows the vital relationship between your teeth and your  joints,  spinal segments, vertebrae, organs and endocrine glands.


Wisdom Teeth Extractions Can Be Dangerous

Did you know that between 57,000 and 175,000 people after wisdom teeth extractions  have had permanent tingling, prickling or numbness caused by nerve damage. This, again, proves the point that all of our teeth are connected via nervous system pathways to every part of our body.  Though it is a common surgery for a lot of  Americans, wisdom tooth extraction involves very serious risks which can lead to sudden death.

 So for all these reasons, I do not recommend removing wisdom teeth unless there is a good reason to do so. According to Jay Friedman, a California-based dental consultant, more than two-thirds of all wisdom tooth extractions are medically unnecessary, and that most patients would be perfectly fine if they just left their wisdom teeth alone.

Via Living Traditionally