The Most Hilarious Local News Bloopers Of 2014

This year gave us an astounding number of local news celebrities. So many, in fact, that trolling local news started to look like a viable career pathway.

There was the smooth-talking Apparently Kid, the fierce voguer Brendan Jordan and the Dutch reporter who took a tumble off a boat mid-interview.

A banner-holder for weed legalization was also born out of a local news blooper: The Alaska reporter who said “Fuck it, I quit” quickly became the pro-weed community’s personal Gandhi.

NewsBeFunny took the liberty of rounding up some of the best moments in 2014 news bloopers:

1. The bathroom situation at Sochi was a bit too close for comfort.


2. America tried to give Justin Bieber back to Canada. Canada declined.

3. JC Penney got a little tipsy at the Super Bowl.


4. John Travolta introduced us to Adele Dazeem.

5. US Airways tweeted a very NSFW pic.


6. A family lost it all on Family Feud.

7. Lance Armstrong found his missing testicle while playing Cards Against Humanity.


8. 50 Cent threw the weakest pitch in the history of baseball.

9. A kid got stuck in a vagina sculpture.


10. Robin Thicke was hijacked by Twitter.


11. Tim Cook and Bono shared a tender moment.


12. The Colombian women’s cycling uniforms made everyone double take.


13. The first Australian to buy an iPhone 6 immediately dropped it.

14. Paris did not like the giant inflatable Christmas tree that looked vaguely like a butt plug.


15. Aaron Lewis majorly botched the national anthem.

16. Kenny G showed up to the Hong Kong protests, and no one knew why.


17. A guy bought 99 iphones for his marriage proposal. It didn’t go well.


I Write Things.