Believe it or not, you can spend less time working and more time enjoying what life has to offer. There are some secrets of successful people you may not be aware of. Yes, hard work is necessary, but it isn’t your life. From disconnecting to working from home, here are some ideas.
Get AI To Do It For You
First, AI isn’t cheating in most cases, and the proper use of AI is that it is there to assist you. New advancements in AI are making typically complex tasks easier than ever, and when used properly, it can save you a lot of time. Suppose you have a deadline to close a deal. Certain AI tools can help you with automating contract negotiation. The analysis side of AI suites like Ontra Synapse AI can do things faster, with better outcomes, and even cheaper than usual.
Disconnect From Email And Devices
Electronic devices are a part of both work and personal life, so some things, like email and messaging, can be hard to avoid. However, your employer doesn’t need your personal phone number or emails, which is why you have work-related contact details. Only HR needs your private details. This means you can disconnect from work so it doesn’t encroach on your life. The easiest way is to have a personal phone and one for work that you turn off after work.
Spend Less Time Working With A Hobby
It can be easier to work more when you don’t have anything else to do. This can be a good thing in terms of extra money, and your boss will love it. But, like 90% of workers each year, you could end up burning out. This is when you work so much it causes mental and physical stress, and you need time off. But having a hobby means you have a reason to get away from work and enjoy your downtime. You can take up golf, learn photography, or attend a local yoga class.
Work From Home If Possible
Going to the office isn’t for everyone, and just the commute can really put a downer on your day, especially if you rely on public transport. Fortunately, most employers are more open to remote work these days, and some even encourage it. Provided you have a reasonably comfortable area and the facilities you need, working from home can be much more enjoyable. You don’t need to get up as early, you can take breaks as needed, and running errands is much easier.
Manage Yourself Effectively
You are solely responsible for how well you work and what you get up to in your spare time. This is why self-management is highly effective and important. For example, you may take advantage of flexible office hours. But you will need to work a set number of hours per week. If you turn up late every day at the most flexible time available, you will need to stay later to make it up. That means you miss out on the kids, getting things done, and any hobbies you have.
You can use AI to spend less time working. And having a hobby gives you a reason to get out of the office and enjoy yourself. But this also takes effective self-management to achieve.