Awesome Household Gadgets That Simplify Your Life

gadgets that simplify life

Technology exists for one reason: to make all of our lives a damn sight easier. And there are many examples of brilliant technology that can help you simplify a busy lifestyle in the home. In today’s guide, we’re going to take you through some fantastic household gadgets that will make your life easier in more ways than one – let’s take a closer look.

Smart Appliances

The days of wasting money on energy-hungry appliances will soon be a thing of the past. More manufacturers are creating some incredible smart devices, from washing machines that notify an engineer when they break down, to fridges that include OLED screens and inbuilt coffee makers. Take a look at the LG range of refrigerators if you want to see the future of home refrigeration. One of their models has a dark paneled door that lights up when you knock on it twice, allowing you to see the contents without opening it.


Dumbwaiters are making something of a comeback, and they are incredibly handy for stacking with laundry, food, or anything else you need to transfer between floors in your home. Bear in mind, however, that dumbwaiters can be dangerous for households with young children. It’s important to choose a model that comes with electro-mechanical interlocks to prevent them from climbing in and – possibly – causing themselves an injury. Dumbwaiters are especially handy if you live in a tall, multi-story building, or have an unusual house plan.

Wall Plate Chargers

There’s a good chance that, like many other households, you suffer from a lack of electrical outlets to charge all your devices. It’s a very modern problem, but one that can be solved with a simple RCA wall plate charger. These little plates can turn any AC power outlet into a USB-specific outlet and gives you two charging points for the price of one. They are dirt cheap, too, so if you have plans for any electrical work shortly, have a think about investing in these little wonders if you are a device-heavy household.

Smart Home Technology

If you want the most futuristic home life possible, then it’s time to embrace the smart home. The Internet of Things allows you to connect your home devices to your Wifi and smartphone for a huge range of different benefits. You can automate pretty much anything you can think of, from your lighting to your alarm systems, and your heating controls to your kettles. There are plenty of guides to smart home technology online, so take a look and see how you could transform and simplify your lifestyle with a little investment in the right places.

Robot Vacuums

We are all living busier lifestyles than ever before these days, so many households struggle to find the time for basic cleaning duties. If this sounds familiar, why not invest in something like the iRobot Roomba? It vacuums your home all by itself, making sure all debris is collected, and then drives back to its charger – meaning you won’t have to lift a finger.

What household gadgets do you use at home to simplify your lifestyle? Let us know in the comments section below.

With over 9 years of search marketing experience, Sandra is cross skilled between PPC and SEO. Her experience in search spans across different verticals including Technology, Retail, Travel & Automotive.