When you start out working for yourself, it is very important to build your client list as quickly as possible. There’s only one real way to do this. Get marketing! Marketing is effective in spreading the word about you and your company. And in today’s digital age, there is one form of marketing that is king – content marketing, especially when it comes to SEO!
To ace content marketing, you need to be producing posts on your company’s blog that rank highly in Google search results. For this, the blog posts should be written with SEO in mind. Here are five awesome tips to hit the SEO nail on the head!
Share Content On Social Media
Once you know your business niche, and you have started the company blog, you should log into social media and set your company up with its own profile. Then get sharing each and every blog post you publish. This way, your Corporate Identity will, hopefully, spread throughout the internet! Follow and interact with important influencers and other businesses in your industry. Once they get to know your business, they will share your posts. This will then get more people to click on links to your posts, helping them rise through Google’s ranks.
Get On Google Maps
If you have a concrete address for your business in an office, register it with Google Maps. This then lets Google know that you exist and that your blog posts are serious rather than spam. If Google knows content is credible, then it will begin to list it highly in searches.
Domain Name
One thing that is important is your company’s domain name. Including keywords in your blog’s domain name can help it score highly in Google searches. Especially if it is in an industry where people are fighting for that cherished top spot! Remember that each blog post should, ideally, only have one keyword in its domain. Do you need to target multiple keywords? Then you can always buy a number of domains that will link to your blog.
Keep On Publishing
Content marketing can take a while to get really going, so keep at it. You will need to publish something at least twice a week. Maybe even more often, depending on your industry sector. Check out what your competitors are doing to see what the optimum number of posts per week is. If you give up with your blog after just a couple of posts, Google won’t rank those two posts highly at all. The search engine needs to know that the website is regularly updated for it to rank its content highly.
Measure Results
Keep an eye on how often your content is being viewed with Google Analytics. You will also see the types of people who are visiting your site. You can use the results to see which of your SEO methods are working best for you. Then you can cut out anything which isn’t working, helping you to become more efficient.
So don’t be scared by SEO. It’s something all business should embrace from day one!