What Does Your Company Culture Say About Your Business?

Could you describe your company culture in a simple sentence or two? Do you even have one in place? Regardless of your answer, there’ every likelihood that your customers or other businesses in your industry might be able to have a stab at it. So, if the reply to both those questions in ‘no’, then read on. We’re going to take you through what your company culture says about you, and look at why it is so important. Define your culture, and no one else will be able to dictate it for you.


All company culture starts from the top and infuses its way down to the bottom. You, as the employer, set the bar. It’s all about laying down your expectations and leading from the front. Be fair to your staff, and they will respect you for it. Be seen working hard, and they will follow suit. And, ensure that you give your employees opportunities to progress and learn, and they will walk through walls for you. According to culture change experts, it’s about being the best boss you can be. Try it from tomorrow – who knows where it might lead you.    

Your Employees

You might have a vision of how you want your company to work and to appear to others. But, without getting your employees on board, it’s going to be an impossible task. Your staff are the lifeblood of your business. They are the people that will speak to customers, deliver products, and provide excellent service. It is essential, then, that employers recognize this and ensure they keep their staff engaged.

The Rewards

What, then, does a good company culture look like? When you have employees that are engaged and motivated to be working for you, it will show. Customers will notice. Suppliers will notice. The press and media might even see. Your company will get recognition for being an outstanding place to work. And, of course, that brings its rewards, too. You will find that more people want to work with you, and your applications will be of a higher quality than before. And, people will want to do business with you a lot more, too.

Getting There

Of course, we can talk about the importance of culture all we like. But, until you start making serious plans and arranging the change in a systematic way, you will struggle to have an impact. Document everything that needs doing, and monitor the results to ensure the changes are working. Look at customer interactions, sick time, and count the productive hours of work throughout the day. Talk to your employees and find out what they like – and what they don’t like about working for your company. Have a vision of your perfect employee, and think about building up a better picture of the questions you need to ask them during an interview.

Staying There

Finally, culture change doesn’t have to be set in stone. And, there will be reasons for changing again in the future, depending on how your business progresses. However, once you have the initial culture in place, change will be easier to deal with – as long as you don’t let things slip.

Good luck out there – now define your company culture!

I Write Things.