The events agency Büro Hirzberger employed Strukt Design Studio to develop an entertaining, innovative, and practical design for their office space. They started with a plain black and white wall. Then by mapping the architecture with several projectors, they produced a project worthy of the “Ambient Design” Creative Club Award in Austria. The vvv scripted “Digital Wallpaper” was developed to project video and realtime content undistorted on the walls. The essence of the company was captured with the flexibility and creativity of the wall. Different designs were produced ranging from colorful stripes to Pac Man animation.
The Software was created in such a way that the light projected on the wall is affected by people passing by. This means when pedestrians walk by, they can stop and play for a while. They can enjoy the interaction and bring life to an ordinary wall surface, before continuing to their destination. The options for the wall designs are limitless which leaves people pleasantly surprised each time. One cannot help but become engaged as the light dances across the surface of this incredible wall.