Your business needs to reach as many potential customers as it can, and the Internet is your way to do so. Establishing a prominent web presence is tricky, and it all starts with that website. Sure, social media is a good way to go, but you’ll want that all-encompassing hub to house your business.
Don’t just dive headfirst into a site builder, however. Before you begin, take the time to lay out and plan what steps you will take. Some website decisions – like branding – can be irreversible, so be careful.
So, this article will be your quick all-in-one guide to getting a wonderful website off the ground. It could be the missing piece of the jigsaw that your business needs to thrive!
Why do you need a website? It’s the very first (and most important) question you should ask yourself. Will it be an online shop? Will it be a hub of information? Or maybe it will be purely for contact details. Whatever your need, identify it immediately. There’s no use building a massive website when all you want is two pages. At this stage, consider including a forum that can help you build a community around your product or service.
How much money do you have? Obviously, website building costs money. Even a cost as basic as an Internet bill can pile up. Be realistic during the initial designing phase and aim for an affordable website. You can always add more further down the line, especially if you’re a start-up. You’ll have a small budget and low profits, but in a few months time the cash could be rolling in.
How will you lay everything out? Working with a professional designer will aid the look of your site immensely. Creating, designing and optimizing websites is a complex process, and you’ll need all the help you can get. Consider this a worthwhile option if you’re struggling to allocate resources. Additionally, be sure your layout reflects your brand. Use similar colors and fonts to drive home the fact that this is yours.
Is my site easy to navigate and concise? Users hate too much excess. If your site has you rambling on for page after page, people will leave. Similarly, if they can’t navigate to the page they want with ease, they’ll get frustrated. Condense your material down into digestible chunks. Make your site easy to navigate and smooth to load. Reduce the resolution of images to help speed things up.
Are you properly marketing and promoting your site? It would be nice if traffic was generated with no effort, but this usually isn’t the case. You could have the best site in the world, but if you don’t market you won’t see any users come to it. Include your site link in your social media pages to drive followers to it. Generate press releases and send them to the local press. Make sure you’re listed as a business on Google so people can find you when they search. In short, do everything in your power to get yourself noticed!
If you followed these steps, you’ll be well on your way to a beautiful business website. It’s a tricky field to navigate, but with enough care and sharp decision making, your website will flourish.