Looking for ways to cut costs and improve your bottom line? We have mentioned a few ingenious ideas for doing so in our blog in the past. But, this time, we thought we would look at some quick wins. Business offices up and down the country are wasting lots of money, despite the fact it doesn’t take much to make a positive difference. Here’s our guide to cutting office costs in the easiest way possible.
Watch Your Heating
First of all, is your office too warm or too cold? Heaters and air con systems can be expensive to run, despite the difference in temperature being negligible. Cutting back on heat or lowering the power on air con by just a couple of degrees can bring big savings.
Save Power
Lighting and electrical equipment are also the cause of a lot of wastage in offices. So, make sure you have a company policy in place that makes people aware of the importance of turning things off when they aren’t in use. Computers, lights, fax machines – they all drain energy and, effectively, burn your money.
Go Paperless
Paper costs money, and it’s a needless expense if you don’t need it. According to Managed Print Services London, you can save a lot of money by going digital instead, and tracking the amount of paper you use. When you think of the number of faxes and printed documents that are created every day, it’s easy to see how the costs add up.
Buy Second-Hand
Why buy brand new when you can pick up second-hand items for a fraction of the price? Desks, chairs, and even computers can all be found for next to nothing in comparison to buying new. Sure, it’s nice to have impressive, brand new gear. But is it cost-effective?
Use Open Source Software
Think about the software you use, as well as the hardware. Take OpenOffice for example. It gives you almost all the functionality of Microsoft Office, and it is available for nothing. There are open source alternatives to Photoshop, Illustrator, and almost any other piece of software you can imagine. Use them, and you might be surprised how much money you can save.
Inventory Control
If, like most other offices, you have a stationary cupboard, think about keeping it under lock and key. In fact, the more you can do this for every area of your business, the more savings you will make. The cost of a pen, some paper, and a box of paperclips might not seem like much But, when everyone is taking a new box out every day; it will soon add up. It doesn’t take much to set up an inventory control system, at all. It will make sure everyone is thinking twice about digging into your stationary cupboard for the fifth time in a week.
There you have it – some simple tips for saving money around the business office. As you can see, all these little costs soon add up to a significant amount over a year. So, the more you can cut back, the less you will spend, and the better deal you can give to your customers. Happy saving!