As an entrepreneur, it’s natural to want the best for your business. However, there’s a lot you have to get done in a day that can easily overwhelm you. The last thing you want to worry about is your company website crashing. A well-oiled website will boost your on-page SEO rankings, but a lightning-quick server will help get your site visitors where they want to go in no time flat. But for a budding entrepreneur on a budget, how can you opt for higher bandwidth without breaking the bank?
One solution is by using a cost-effective virtual private server (VPS) for your business. Think of VPSs as trees: the “root” is a physical data center where the original server is hosted. Virtual servers “branch out,” creating servers that are entirely separate from the host server. This independence means you can run different OSs and applications on these virtual servers. Moreover, each server will have its bandwidth, so you’ll never have to worry about overloading a single server with user requests.
There’s no denying the upsides of VPSs, but how can they specifically benefit your business? Read on to learn more.
Save Money
Like we mentioned earlier, VPSs are relatively inexpensive options for boosting your company website’s server capacity. Since it falls somewhere between dedicated and shared hosting, you’ll get the best of both worlds: the capacity and ability of a dedicated server for the price of shared hosting. This win-win situation means you can easily find a lot of great cheap VPS hosting services all over the web.
Furthermore, VPSs cost less for suppliers to install since all the virtual servers stem from a single-host server. If you’ve outgrown a shared hosting service but don’t have the budget to upgrade to a full-fledged dedicated server, VPS services are excellent in-between options.
The Freedom To Expand
As you’re a small business owner, you more than likely have some pretty big ambitions both for you and your company. With VPSs, you can give yourself the freedom to expand your operations and take on more user traffic than ever before. You won’t have to worry about keeping track of multiple servers due to a VPS’s multi-pronged design structure, which means no downtime when upgrading your hosting plan or website. VPSs are cost-effective methods that allow you to scale up.
Things To Remember
Of course, VPSs are not without their drawbacks, either. They are considerably more expensive than shared hosting options, which could pose a problem for those on a tight budget. Another problem is that some VPS services oversell their server space, banking on the likelihood of these servers’ accounts not using all available resources. In turn, you could run into bandwidth or server response problems if resources are not properly allocated to all the accounts on the server. You can combat this by keeping track of how many accounts you have open on the host server at all times.
We hope you’ve learned a little something about the pros and cons of VPS services for businesses. Thanks for reading!