We were all excited for iOS 11, but some of us were disappointed when we finally updated our phones. Specifically, those of us who still have the iPhone 6.
For iPhone 6 users like me, iOS 11 has created more issues than it’s actually solved. The new operating system has often slowed down our phones to the point where the novelty of new features is outweighed by the decrease in performance. My phone just doesn’t work like it used to.
Luckily, there’s a way to go back to the previous version of iOS, if Apple’s latest update isn’t for you. It’s pretty complicated, but it’ll be worth it. The entire process takes about 40 minutes, and it could very well save your relationship with your phone. With that in mind, here’s exactly how you can downgrade from iOS 11 to a previous version:
Congratulations! You may now enjoy a phone that’s faster and doesn’t mute your texts while you’re in an Uber. Have fun using a phone that actually works properly again.