Modern Day Storage Solutions: Top Tips For Making Space On Your Device

storage solutions

Storage solutions used to mean boxes to tuck away in your home. Today, the meaning has changed completely. When we talk about storage now, we mean on our devices. Whether you’re on your phone, or using a camera, a memory card will be storing everything away. Such portable storage may be great in many ways, but it does have one major downfall. It’s not limitless. There will come a time when your memory card will be full. Then you’ll have to make some hard decisions. Either that or you could just shuffle things around a little. Don’t think your files are doomed once you get that ‘memory full’ notification. Be creative with your storage solutions.

Stock Up On Memory Cards

One solution is to buy bulk memory cards and swap them as they fill up.This isn’t the best solution because it’ll leave you with the hard job of keeping track of them all. It can also get pretty pricey. If you think you’re up to the challenge, it can be a good solution. It’s like the modern-day version of keeping a photo album. If you want something a little easier, take a look at the size of memory card you’re using. It may be possible to buy a card that’s bigger and will last you a lot longer than your current one. Remember, memory cards come in a variety of different capacities.

Resize Files

Large files and photos can be a major drain on your storage space. Learning how to resize them can be a great solution to the problem. It’s surprising what resolutions some pictures automatically save as. There’s no way you need them that big. Resizing is a little like reshuffling your storage space. Condense your old things to make room for the new!

Clean Up Your Device

There are probably a lot of files on your device that you don’t realize are there. Most devices don’t delete items once you press that little trash can. Check your deleted and trash files and empty them if they’re full. These files take up a lot of room. Making sure they’re cleared out will save you an enormous amount of space. It’s also worth going through old files and having a clear out there too. Delete anything you don’t need anymore. If you’re running out of space on your phone, delete your message conversations. They’re something you rarely need to keep, and they take up lots of memory. Going into the settings on a device will show you what’s taking up the most room, and it’s rarely what you think. Having that much needed clear out will leave you with a great deal more space.

Social Media

It’s a strange one, I know, but social media is perfect for unloading photos. Putting your photos on social media and setting them to private will ensure no one will be able to see them but you. That way, you can keep all your important photos without using any storage space at all!

I Write Things.