What To Consider When Choosing A Web Hosting Company

choosing a web hosting company

You can’t just choose any web hosting service. If you’re launching a website, you need to consider several factors as you make your choice. Make sure you’re thinking about these things!

The Costs

This is often the first thing people will see. Many people today will be blown away by the prices at which you can buy domain space. When we were younger – let’s say, about ten years ago – domains could cost in the region of £20 a month. Not anymore. Some .coms will cost you even less than that per year. Of course, you shouldn’t let the thrill of a £1 a month domain completely overtake you. If the cost is really low, there might be good reason for it. The cheapest isn’t always the best; it’s rarely even good enough.

Speed And Other Specs

What’s going to frustrate your website users more than anything else? A slow website speed. You must know what it’s like; when something isn’t loading within a couple of seconds, it can create a sudden urge to punch the computer. You want the hosting company to have a strong focus on speed. PAC web hosting is an example of a company with a focus on speed. Of course, you’ll also to ask about the hardware a company is using. The specs of the servers they use will also come into play later.


Does the service put a particular focus on a type of website? You need to be careful about this factor. There are services out there that will offer a solution for pretty much any type of website – blog, e-commerce, video hosting, etc. In which case, they’ll have a variety of packages tailored to each type. But if a host tends to focus on something like simple, text-heavy blogging? Then they may not be the ideal solution for a website that needs high bandwidth.


Pretty much all of these factors are extremely important. But for a lot of people who own websites, this is the most important factor: the technical support. Have you ever heard about a tech service that’s amazing until something goes wrong? That usually refers to the fact that tech support aren’t very good at what they do with that particular service. Websites are going to go down from time to time; it happens. But how will the support team fix it? What will happen in the meantime? How quickly will they respond to you? When something goes wrong, it will become clear to you why many consider this to be the most important factor.


What’s the best way to find out how well a particular service performs in any of these? You might think it’s by going through the information on their website with a fine tooth comb. And that, of course, is crucial. But the best way is to get the opinions of people who are already using the service, or have used the service before. Web hosting reviews are a great source of information. Remember, though, that your experience could be different, be a review positive or negative. And if a review is over a year old, a lot of what they say may not even apply anymore.

I Write Things.