People all over the world transfer billions of dollars every single day to their family and loved ones. This money transfer process can be time consuming, costly and can sometimes take a lot of time to process. We’ve found a service that is considerably the cheapest way to send money abroad.
With IMT (International Money Transfers) you can save up to 90% in transfer fees as well as have reliability and flexibility. You can use their website to find companies accommodating your needs. Whether you’re a business, expat, or someone simply buying properties or goods abroad, they can match you with the best currency transfer companies.
How It’s All Done
The concept behind IMT is quite simple, once you sign up with a company, you would be able to get a quote online via an advanced platform, or alternatively, via telephone. That quote is transparent; Inclusive of the currency exchange costs, as well as bearing the transfer costs. If you approve that the quote is to your liking and that you want the transaction to take place, your rate is locked.
Next step is simply transferring funds to a segregated domestic bank account, in your local currency, and wait for the magic to happen. There is no maximum amount you can transfer at any of the companies IMT works with, and you can ask for a dedicated currency dealer to take care of you and your money.
Will My Money Be Safe?
Absolutely! All the the companies from the IMT database are FCA regulated. The Financial Conduct Authority ensures that:
Besides this financial and legal authority, they review all the companies that they work with so you can get the best deal in the best conditions possible.
Which Countries Is This Service Available In?
One of IMT’s main unique attributes, compared to its competitors, is that they cover a large global list of countries. They aim towards big and small countries, rich and poor, allowing an international audience to find companies that match their money transfer requirements.
Whether you’re looking to send money to the United States, transfer money to Australia or anywhere else in the world, IMT can take care of it for you.
Covered companies operating FROM: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA & much more.
Covered companies allowing money transfer TO: Australia, Bangladesh, China, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Kenya, Lithuania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Romania, South Africa, Sri Lanka, UK, USA and much more.
How Fast Is This Whole Process?
On average, the whole process usually takes 24-48 hours for the more common countries but depending on the location, it could take up to 4 days. This is usually only for very exotic countries.
Companies can also provide Same Day Delivery for an additional fee or for bigger amounts to be transferred.
How Can I Learn More?
If you’re interested in what International Money Transfers can do for you or your business, then please visit their website today. You can learn more about the company and the services they offer as well as get detailed country by country money transfer information.