Mobile News Flash – Real Time Mobile Tech News, Reviews, Deals & Jobs

mobile news flash review

Many moons ago, we witnessed the birth of “the information age”, an era characterized by creating and having access to massive quantities of information.

Advancements in technology, particularly in communications, paved the way to this globalized world in which we live and thrive in. But some might argue that we are now entering a new era – “the experience age” and this shift is due to the changes in how we interact online via our (numerous) connected devices.

Nevertheless, the shift from one era to the other is a topic for a different time, which brings me to my main point.

While the achievements and heights reached are tremendous, it’s becoming a pain to organize the world’s information. Information that’s now available to us at our fingertips, for us to view or create and upload into the digital world.

I personally suffer from what we call “information overload”, which sounds scary but really isn’t that bad, it’s essentially when you are exposed to huge amounts of information, amounts that you can’t sanely processes. Newsletters, emails, social media feeds, blogs, and news! It gets overwhelming and I’m sure we’ve all been through it, one way or another to control or organize our information intake.

This is where Mobile News Flash comes in!

Though it’s targeted mainly for smartphone-related news and reviews, the website has over 100 sources in various categories and 2+ million indexed news articles to date. Various topics also cover news and reviews about connected and VR devices, and even some interesting developer job offers and product deals.

The awesome part is that the website continuously checks for new feeds from indexed sources and automatically classifies them on the website, allowing you to check the news in real time as soon as it is published. All this in one place. The website is also searchable and when you type any keyword like “Huawei”, for example, various categories appear and you will be given filtered news related to the keyword.


The first thing you notice about the website is that it is usefully split into 3 sections.

The first section dynamically displays the most recent news without you having to refresh the page. The second section contains a list of sources for you to manually select news sources from. Lastly, the third section displays awesome deals and jobs from selected sources, which makes it super easy for you to skim through bargains or even a job offer.

So there you have it, a website that doesn’t overload you with information and is organized so you don’t waste your time! It’s a step towards controlling our information intake and being time efficient. If you find it hard to go through every tech news website, scrolling through enormous amounts of content….. And if it’s a pain for you as it is for me, do check Mobile Flash News out!

Happy reading!

About Hala: Mass Media & Communications Graduate Who Likes To Write About Interesting Things.